UK News
Newspaper Articles and Blogs
My Nephew Died At The Hands Of Police. He Won’t Be The Last
George Floyd’s death in Minnesota has led to violence and riots across the USA, not for the first time. It is yet another tragic outcome from non-approved policing tactics resulting in avoidable death. For me, it reignites a not too distant, personal despair following...
Police combating moped and motor cycle enabled crimes with ‘Tactical Contact’?
There is debate on whether this is the toughest era for UK police officers. Comparison of past decades is difficult, but whilst we ponder the effects of reducing police resources verses rising demand, criminals continue regardless. Last week a Metropolitan Police...
Rashan Charles’ great uncle, former Met officer Rod Charles: Why avoidable deaths following police contact will increase
He was pursued by a police officer into a convenience store in Kingsland Road E8, losing his life whilst being restrained. Last month an inquest determined his death was an accident. It also identified failings by the police officer, known as BX47, but considered the...