Established in 2007
ci-maroon engages specialist operatives with experience and backgrounds in law enforcement, security and variety of public services. We deploy our specialists (Investigators, Medical experts, Forensic experts, Academics, Support/Social workers, Physical Trainers … etc) according to the nature of the task in hand.
Police and other State law enforcement agencies provide essential invaluable public service. However not all – individuals or businesses – benefit equally.
A decade plus of austerity has added to law enforcement difficulties and long term inability to meet the needs of all. The past decade (2008 – 2018) has the number of ‘regular warranted’ UK police officers reduced by circa 20,000. The reduced resources for police and other law enforcement agents limits focus onto given priorities, leaving no scope for investigation of hundreds of thousands of other crimes and conflicts (e.g. refer to MPS Crime Assessment Policy announced October 2017).
Early 21st Century austerity had adverse economic and social effects on a global scale; subsequent measures to recover ground then dashed – in 2020 – by effects of and reactions to Coronavirus.
It is understatement that 2021 has seen literally daily criticisms of corporate policing performance, failures to maintain standards, and media reports of significant events impacting adversely on public confidence in policing.
When loss or harm occurs many people, home or business owners do not have time, skill or experience to investigate. However, with input, advice and support from our specialists, we investigate and assist you with resolutions for your specific situation. We are committed to supporting improvements in all aspects of National and International Law Enforcement and Justice.
Our services currently provided in London, SE Regions UK & Grenada

Lead Investigator
ci-maroon GCILEx Dip SP&C (Open)
A Security, Performance and Risk consultant and founder of ‘ci maroon’. Served 30 years in the Metropolitan Police (London). Holding various roles in nine London boroughs and performing specialist services in public order, firearms & counter terrorism for all 32 boroughs in the Capital.
Experienced in serious crime investigations , safeguarding communities, managing large scale public demonstrations, sporting and ceremonial events.
- Operations Manager;
- Criminal Justice Manager;
- Community Safety Manager;
- Post Incident Manager;
- National Public Order Tactical Trainer;
- Arrest and Restraint Trainer;
- Advanced Public Order Trained Cadre
- Level 1 – Police Support Unit Commander;
- Firearms Tactical Advisor;
- Professional Standards Manager …….
….. are some of his specialist skills from a variety of former policing roles.
Beyond policing, he conducts meticulous operations and investigations for a range of individuals and organizations. Establishing ci-maroon principles – i.e. to deliver the best service to ensure right and fair outcomes in all situations.
If there is evidence we will assist you to find it.
If there is injustice or unfairness we will support you to address it.

To meet and as far as is possible, exceed individuals & business needs for:
Conflict Management
Training Programs
Law Research
Self Defence
Case Reviews
Physical Security
Coaching & Mentoring
Security Operations
Personal Security
It is a challenge even for experts to maintain professional knowledge and navigate increasing bureacracy, therefore non-experts are likely to experience significant disadvantage and fail when challenging unfairness or injustice,primarily due to the range of obstacles in their path.