Welcome to ci-maroon

ci-maroon’s – core service is ‘problem solving’, this applies across the gamut of risks, incidents, security & safety issues, disputes and conflicts. We support individuals and businesses, and manage any size and all types of investigations, case reviews, risk assessments and security case work.

What We Do
Pre & Post Event Planning
- Strategic & Tactical Advice
- Incident / Event Command & Control
- Community Impact Assessments
- De-briefing
- Post Incident Management
Crime Prevention
- Supporting Vulnerable People
- Domestic Violence
- Harassment
- Hate Crimes
- Conflict Management
- Anti-bully Tactics
Risk Assessments
- Due Diligence Enquiries & Reports
- Anti-corruption
- Business Risks from Employee/Contractor Breach of Duty
- Managing Intelligence
- Health & Safety Risks
- Business Continuity Planning
Cold Case Reviews
- Reviewing Evidential Statements
- Witness Tracing and Interviews
- Evaluating New or Previously Unused Evidence
- Statement Taking
- Securing Expert/Specialist’s Reports
Training Programs
- Personal Safety & Self Defence
- Law Enforcement Personnel
- Event Stewards
- Private or Contracted Security
- Use of Force (Theory & Practical Application)
New Investigations
- Wide Remit for Crime and Civil Casework
- Loss or Damage to Property
- Harassment, Threats or Personal Injury
- Duress or Bribery Allegations
- Life Changing or Fatal Occurrences
- Fraud and Identity Offences
- Cyber Crime
Safeguarding People and Businesses
- Loss Prevention
- Asset Tracing
- Anti-discrimination Measures
- Public Interest Disclosure
- Matrimonial and Family (Breach of Trust )
- Breaching – Care / Guardian Services
- Employment Disputes
- Landlord, Tenant, Neighbour or Community (Conflict / disputes)
Law Research
- Open Source Data
- Specialist and Bespoke Safeguarding Advice
- General Law (appropriate referrals for reserved and / or regulated services)
- Litigation Support (McKenzie Friends)
Our expertise stems from our pool of operatives with backgrounds in:
- Criminal Justice System (Police, Probation & Prison Services)
- Military
- Medical & Health Services
- Education
- Commerce
- Social & Community Services
- Investigative Journalists
- Sport, fitness and exercise coaching
How we assess your case

- We MEET you to conduct a confidential initial assessment of the information currently known;
- We outline your range of remedial options;
- As determined by you, we can draft, implement or execute your plan i.e. complete service or selected parts, as you wish;
- We are available throughout and after resolution, to ensure your continued reassurance;
- We can undertake any project, subject to the aims satisfying ethics, integrity and law – i.e. legal and legitimate objectives.
Our advice and support available to address any harm or risk, actual or potential.
It is unimportant whether we are your first or last resort.
The critical factor is you allowed us to support you to resolve your task.
We provide Specialist Advice, Investigation and Training, supporting Individuals and Businesses – large or small. We ensure our practice, procedures and protocols are consistently delivered to highest industry standards. We welcome your inquires and appreciate your feedback.